Feldmessung with Claire Terrien and Bianca Ianuzzi, a performance for young audience, FELD Theater, Berlin (photo: Martti Kaartinen)
live projections
costume design
co-direction for stage, lighting design and concept
„Feldmessung / Arpentage / Surveying” is a performative project that playfully questions measurement processes and highlights their possible inaccuracies and failures. In order to define spatial boundaries and explore certain laws of fundamental physics, the performers play with their own bodies as well as with working tools. Through acrobatic movements, tensions of ropes, experimentations with lights and the manipulations of objects, the performers develop their own method of measurement and take their audience into a world where science and poetry are intertwined.
Concept, Performance: Claire Terrien
Live Projection, Costumes: Lena Gätjens
Music: Bianca Iannuzzi
Lights and stage: Claire Terrien, Lena Gätjens
Dramaturgy (accompaniment): Barbara Fuchs
Production: Susanne Beyer
Outside Eyes & Ears: Estelle Jullian, Olivia Jenks, Blandine Casen, Verena Lobert, Erik Leuthäuser.
A coproduction by Plus Ou Moins Cirque Productions (POMC) & FELD Theater für junges Publikum. Granted by Hauptstadtkulturfonds, Fonds Transfabrik. Supported by Le Cube-Studio Théâtre de Hérisson, Arts Printing House Vilnius (Residenz). Research funded by the Programm #takecare /Fonds Darstellende Künste aus Mitteln der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien & Schloss Bröllin (residency).
Feldmessung Trailer; video, editing: Quiet City Films

photos: Martti Kaartinen

photos: Marga Meydenberg

photos: (left) Marga Meydenberg, (right) Barbara Fuchs

Feldmessung/ Arpentage/ Surveying, FELD Theater für junges Publikum, Berlin, photo: Martti Kaartinen