Physical Reality Devices, work-in-progress performative walk, Berlin, 2023, photo by Martti Kaartinen
performative sculptures
Physical Reality Devices are framing tools, touchable and usable art objects that suggest an intensification of the act of seeing and a questioning of one’s own perception. As a work-in-progress the series of Devices is developed further hand-in-hand with a performative walk in public space.
During a research funding of the Fonds Daku, field tests in public spaces reflected site-specifically on interactions and contents that could be dealt with on the audio level. As a result, audio pieces about seeing and the biological and cultural-historical construction of perspective are interwoven into the walk to different public spaces.
The user becomes a performer, examining they* real environment as if through VR glasses, which is recomposed in the devices. Inside Physical Reality Devices the gaze is redirected and recomposed by mirrors. We see what would not be visible from one’s own point of view without these tools.
„Inside Physical Reality Devices“, trailer, 2min.

Physical Reality Devices, work-in-progress performative walk, Berlin, 2023, photos by Martti Kaartinen

Physical Reality Devices, work-in-progress performative walk, Berlin, 2023, all photos by Martti Kaartinen
Physical Reality Devices (2023)
With many thanks to everyone that participated in the walks and feedbacks.
All photos by Martti Kaartinen
Supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media within the program NEUSTART KULTUR.
performative sculptures
The first Physical Reality Devices were conceived for the A.I.R. „digital framework“ by TRIALE, in Gallmannsegg, 2022

Physical Reality Device I

view from inside

Physical Reality Device II, for TRIALE „digital framework“ Gallmannsegg, 2022

view from inside
physical reality device I + II
Many thanks to Christina H. Romirer und Kati Jerabek
In the frame of Artist in Residence and the project „digital framework“, TRIALE Gallmannsegg (AT), 07/2022