With the Lights Out it’s Less Dangerous


with Paul Pritz and Christina Helena Romirer
installation view, as part of the exhibition „Für morgen ist eine Prognose nicht möglich“, with Paul Pritz and Christina Helena Romirer, Forum Stadtpark, Graz (AT)

in the frame of Styria A.I.R.
programmed LEDs in window installation.
Size: ca. 101(w) x 182(h) x 40(d) cm; materials: transparent plastic, red/green/white/yellow LEDs, wire, printed Circuit Boards, Arduino, LED-driver, metalrods

„With the lights out it’s less dangerous“, programmed LED installation, installation view, with Paul Pritz and Christina Helena Romirer, Forum Stadtpark, Graz

„With the lights out it’s less dangerous“, programmed LED installation, installation view, with Paul Pritz and Christina Helena Romirer, Forum Stadtpark, Graz; photos: Karin Lernbeiß